Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

It's the last day of 2011. What's your 2012 hope? Mine? Ngga muluk2 ko. Cuma minta dikasih yg terbaik dalam segala hal, orang2 terdekat panjang umur. Amin.


Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Hari ini... I had a good time! Aselinya!

Baca deh gombalan Tangkuban Perahu ala Riany& Muhar

M: aduh ini jaketnya kaya penyanyi dangdut
R: kaya mau nyopet tau setelannya. Mau nyopet apa? Nyopet hati aku ya?
M: kan udah hehehe
R: oh iyaa :">

R: Har, ada anak 15 tahun disidang gara2 ngambil sendal jepit. Lain kali kalo kamu mau nyopet, hati-hati ya.
M: hahahaha kan aku udah berhenti nyopet sejak aku nyopet hati kamu

M: kalo aku selang pemadam, kamu apanya?
R: aku airnya
M: kenapa?
R: karena selang pemadam ngga akan berguna tanpa air wihiiii
M: oh iya bisa aja

M: kalo aku David Beckham, kamu siapanya?
R: aku Victoria Beckham
M: kalo aku Adam Levine, kamu siapanya?
R: aku Anne Vyalitsyna nya
M: kalo aku Romeo, kamu siapanya?
R: aku Julietnya :">

Tongkeng -> Punclut -> Wates -> Tangkuban Perahu -> Pujasera -> Tongkeng

Terima kasih banyak untuk hari ini Muhar Gagah Prakoso. Ik hou van je.


A girl who loves you.

Kamis, 22 Desember 2011

So Sweet yg Gagal

R: Muhar...
M: apaa?
R: ik hou van je, Har hehehe
M: apaan tuh artinya?
R: sana cari ke google translate
M: lagi dipake teteh laptopnya
R: semacam ich liebe dich
M: ich liebe dich apa lagi tuh?
R: ah kampret. semacam i love you -_- ah parah lo
M: ik hou van je too haha aku baru tau :))
R: ik hou van je bahasa belanda. Ich liebe dich bahasa jerman. Nanti aku kasih je t'aime deh
M: apaan lagi itu teh ngasih teh ngga ngerti
R: aduh mau so sweet teh gagal -_- itu bahasa Perancisnya I love you -_-

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011


► The Beatles - Yesterday

Yesterday, I really had so much fun! Bener2 seneng banget.

In the morning, I was playing badminton with XI IPA 5. There were Selien, Fathur, Husni, Gagas, Muhar, Nur, Ijan, Lisna, Lala, Amal, Fariz, Rahma, Tia, Elvira, Nadhira, who elsea ya? Forgottt hahaha maaf deh yg belum kesebut.

Sesudah badminton, kita main futsal. Udah paling edan kan habis badminton terus futsal. Aku jadi penjaga gawang. It feels like I'm Petr Cech B-)

Pas lagi futsal, I heard that Amal and Nadhira mau survey buat hiking OSIS ke Ciwidey. Awalnya mah ngga tertarik buat ikut. Kapok touring, kapok ketauan Papa lagi kan ntar ekeu mati cinnnn. Tapi taunya Muhar mau ikut.

Muhar: mau kemana aja?
Nadhira: ya ke Ciwidey, ke daerah kebun teh nya gitu
Muhar: *ngeliat ke aku* mau ikut ngga?
Aku: hayu
I just can't resist when he asked me. Hahahaha.

Opik came. Akhirnya aku, Amal, Nadhira dan Muhar pamit pergi duluan. Tadinya sempet was was, helm gimana helm. Taunya Muhar bawa helm 2. Tumben banget ya.. Pantesan ngajakin.

Ciwidey itu jaaaaaaaauuuuh banget! Sooo faaar! Pas baru nyampe Soreang aja pantat udah sakit banget masa. Hot-ass. Literally, dude. Hahahaha :)) panas bgt yg namanya ekeu punya pantat.

Masuk daerah Ciwidey, pemandangan udah bener2 bikin adem. Sawah, kebun teh, ketinggian, dibonceng Muhar. Kurang seneng apa coba kan. Frontal frontal deh. Bablas!

After we reached the tea-field, hujan turun dengan derasnya. Ada kaya saung gitu dan kita berteduh disitu. Such a heavy rain. Gedeee bgt. Lama lagi. Udah mah dingin. Untung bgt waktu itu aku pake sweater dan pake jaket lagi. Ha. I must be the smartest girl that time.

Hujannya udah rada reda, kita mutusin buat ke bawah. Tadinya Muhar sempet gamau ke bawah. Tapi akhirnya mau. Pas udah mau nyampe bawah, Amal sempet jatuh. Kasian sih tapi da bodor banget liat Amal hahaha maaf ya, Maaal.

After we did the Survei, kita balik lagi ke atas. Saat motor lain dengan hewirnya harus didorong dan saat yg lain hupir ngedorong2 motor. Aku dengan santainya duduk dibonceng Muhar dan motor ijonya melesat tanpa harus didorong. Tough driver. Tough motorcycle. Jagoan. Sempet takut jatuh sih apalagi medannya itu jalan berbatu, becek, licin lagi kan da habis hujan. Tapi untungnya Muhar jagoan bawa motornya. Dengan pegangan ke dia aja udah ngerasa aman hehehehe

Sesampainya di atas, kita nyari tukang mie rebus dan nemu tukang mie ayam. Sampe abis 2 mangkok saking laper dan dinginnya. Opik dan Muhar ngopi. Pas lagi ngopi,

Muhar: kopi pas lagi dingin gini enak banget, tinggal rokok.
Aku: gaboleh
Muhar: kenapa?
Aku: katanya mau berhenti
Muhar: oh iya lupa hehehe

Udah paling minta digebok ya Muhar tuh -_-

Pas lagi makan, hp Muhar dikepoin sama Amal. Dibaca inboxnya dan....... Habis lah aku dibully. Hahahaha.

Habis makan, kita pulang. Di jalan tuh hujan. Hujan-hujanan kan. Udah kaya di pilem pilem tuh. Mwahaha. Karena beberapa alasan, kita nyimpang dulu di rumah Opik di Soreang. Parah bgt. Rumah Opik jauhnya keparahan.

Begitu nyampe Bandung, udah hampir Maghrib dan hujan. Aku nawarin Muhar buat mampir ke rumah dulu ganti baju segala macem tapi dia gamau katanya nanggung. Padahal udah basah banget badan kita.

Udah dia nganter aku ke rumah, dia pulang.

Seneng banget pokonya kemarin tuh.

Terima kasih banyak ya Opik, Nadhira, Amal, Muhar. Terutama Muhar dan motor ijonya yg udah aku tumpangin naik turun kebun teh seharian. Makasih banyak. Jangan sampe sakit ya, Gagah. Thank youuuuu!


A happy girl♥♥♥

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

10 more minutes to go December 13.

Happy 19th Birthday, Fadhillah Eka Wardhana. You have brought sooo many happiness to my life. I can't be grateful enough to have you around. You're the best big brother eveeeer! Thanks for the laugh, the joy, the tears, for everything.
In this 19 years old, I hope you get everything that you want. Hope Allah bless you in everything you do.

Note to remember: I got your back. When the bad become worse and when the worse become worst, I still got your back.

We love you. I love you.


Your cute little sister.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Gombal Maksimal

M: aku kan ganteng
R: iya
M: ko kaya yg terpaksa gitu?
R: ngga ko
M: terpaksa gitu juga
R: ngga!
M: tuh kan
R: nih denger, iya deh kamu yg lebih ganteng dari Adam Levine
M: *mesem2* nah gombal kan..
R: salah lagi.. -__________-
Sebagai perempuan, aku cuma bisa nunggu..

Dan nunggu..

Nunggu lagi..

Dan nunggu lagi..

Hidup tuh habis cuma buat nunggu ya :))

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

When you refuse me
You confuse me
What makes you think I'll let you in again
Think again my friend
Go on misuse me and abuse me
I'll come out stronger in the end

And does it make you sad
To find yourself alone
And does it make you mad
To find that I have grown
I'll bet it hurts so bad
To see the strength that I have shown

When you answer the door pick up the phone
You wont find me cause I'm not coming home

You do not know how much this hurts me
To say these things that I don't want to say
But have to say them anyway
I would do anything to end your suffering
But you would rather walk away

And does it make you sad
To find yourself alone
And does it make you mad
To find that I have grown
I'll bet it hurts so bad
To see the strength that I have shown

When you answer the door pick up the phone
You won't find me cause I'm not coming home
"Ga pengen lupa. Pengen ikhlas." - Cecilia Christy Chandra

"Begini lebih baik. Karena Allah udah ngasih jalannya buat jadi begini." - Intan Btari Dwiastuti

"Udah kelas XI mah berpikirlah rasional, jangan mikir main hati. Bentar lagi dewasa." - Taufik Arief

"Move on, Ri. Pasti bisa." - Anisa Fitria Dewi

"Waktu kamu terlalu berharga kalo dihabisin cuma buat mikirin orang kaya dia." - Annisa Amalia

Kamis, 03 November 2011

No.. Vember

Ini hari ke-3 di bulan November dan udah 3 hari perasaan aku ga karuan. Campur aduk. It's a bad way to start my November. So bad. Really bad.

Kenapa ya disaat aku pengen lupain sesuatu, pasti ada aja yg bikin inget. It stress me out. Dan hari ini ngalamin kejadian yg... Ugh! So not!

Pas istirahat solat Dzuhur, tiba-tiba pengen diem di depan kelas. Kebetulan sehati sama Desi jadi kita ber2 diem di depan kelas. Nah gatau kenapa aku teh pengen cerita sama Desi. Pas lagi cerita, mata aku tertuju ke arah ruang guru dan...


Shock maksimal.



Sebenernya dari pagi mau berangkat sekolah teh kepikiran terus and what popped in to my head itu..
"kalo ketemu gimana ya?"
"kalo ketemu, aku harus ngapain?"
"kabur aja gitu? Atau pura-pura ga liat?"
"atau senyum doang? Atau nyapa?"
Dari berangkat sampai pelajaran olahraga tuh ituuu terus yg dipikirin. Entah mungkin feeling atau apa..

Penasaran, aku ngajak Desi buat lewat depan dia. I even have no guts to stare at his face. Pas lewat cuma bisa nunduk but his sight at me.. I can feel it! But he didn't say hi! Kaya ga kenal aja gimana. Hurts.. Damn hurt.

Pas balik lagi. Masih sama. Ga berani liat mukanya tapi aku bisa ngerasain pandangan dia ke aku. And again, dia ga nyapa. Hurt.. Damn hurt. Again.

Begitu deket wc cowo, liat ada Rahma dan tanpa basa-basi langsung nangis di pundak dia. Ga kira-kira lagi, nangisnya pun sampe sesenggukan.

Begitu udah tenang, dateng Amal. Nangis lagi di pundak Amal.

Begitu udah tenang (lagi), dateng Nadhira dan nangis (lagi). Nadhira pun ngajak solat. Sesudah solat, cuma bisa berdoa yg terbaik buat dia, semuanya.

Pas bel pulang, datang Ipey. Ngegabruk langsung cerita sama dia. Dan ternyata dia ngobrol pas istirahat. Langsung sedih. Ipey ngobrol dan aku ngga. Terus Ipey nunjukkin foto mereka. Langsung nangis (lagi dan lagi). Ipey punya foto lagi berdua knp aku ngga.. Frankly, kangen banget. Tapi dianya kaya gitu.

Total hari ini nangis udah berapa kali coba tuh. Cengeng banget sih, Ri. What a shame.

Sebenernya yg bikin sakit hatinya tuh kalo inget sama janjinya: "kalo aku ke 4, aku pasti ngabarin kamu"

What a bullshit.

Kenapa sih, Ri? Kenapa nangisin orang yg belum tentu peduli kalo kita nangisin dia? Kenapa sih, Ri? Kenapa mikirin orang yg belum tentu mikirin kamu? Kenapa sih, Ri? Kenapa peduli sama orang yg ga peduli sama kamu?

Pernah nemu quote kaya gini: "we ignore who adore us and adore who ignore us" dan quote ini tuh bener banget! How ironic life could be, eh? Eh?

Tapi yaudah deh, suatu saat Riany pasti bisa ko lupain. Suatu saat, ini semua akan jadi kenangan untuk ditertawakan. Pasti.

► Nina - Someday

Alesan aku pengen lupain itu.. Pertama, aku kesel. Kedua, aku kecewa. Ketiga, aku cape. Keempat, aku marah. Kelima, aku juga mikir, kalo aku deket terus tapi malah menyulitkan buat apa diterusin kan? So, I leave. I'm pretty sure it's the best way for each of us.

► Kahitna - Aku Punya Hati

► Adele - Someone Like You

"All I need is music and my best friends to forget you and your lies" - @ohteenquotes

► Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger

Rahma, Nadhira, Amal, Ipey, makasih atas pundaknya. Amat sangat berarti banget. Amat. Sangat. Banget. <3

Rabu, 02 November 2011

Pernah merasa muak? Pernah merasa jenuh? Pernah merasa cape? Yakin laah pasti banyak yg pernah.

Pernah merasa muak, cape dan jenuh karena dapet masalah yg sama terus.. Dan terus.. Dan terus.. Terus-terusan? Pernah? Aku lagi ngerasain itu banget. Rasanya, semesta itu ga pernah ngijinin aku buat hidup bahagia #eeaaaa. Lebay maksimal.

Ngga. Ga gitu juga sih.

Rasanya tuh kaya gini, saat kamu udah nemuin kebahagiaan dan kamu nemuinnya tuh susah payah bgt udah sampe keringet darah. Lebay maksimal. Lagi. Tiba-tiba kebahagiaan itu dimakan sama monster raksasa rakus yg warnanya hijau, telinganya kaya Shrek, lubang hidungnya gede, bibirnya jeding, lehoan, mukanya cengo ga ada dua, perutnya buncit, pake celana pendek warna coklat yg udah lusuh. Spesifik.

Rasanya kaya buang-buang waktu.


Habis manis sepah dibuang. Pernah digituin? Rasanya gimana? Mungkin ya rasanya tuh bagai meluncur bersama paus akrobatis dan melihat rasi bintang paaaling manis.

Ngga. Ga gitu.

Rasanya.. Ga bisa digambarin. Disuruh ngegambarin gimana rasanya tuh kaya nyuruh anak kecil ngerjain gambar perspektif. Susaaaah..
Rasanya.. Udah berasa jus pisan yg dicampur pepaya, belimbing, apel, mangga, alpukat, stroberi, blueberry, dicampur lagi Dancow Oreo yg di Bunda bakwan. Ga enak. Jus pisangnya aja udah ga enak apalagi kalo dicampur yg lain.

Kenapa jadi ngomongin jus pisang?


Ngerasa dimanfaatin pisan lah. Dateng kalo lagi senengnya doang. Udah ga ada urusan lagi mah yaudah. Bye. That's so jleb, fyi.


Btw, I just made a progress. Tadi malem baru aja ngehapusin sms sms yg ga penting dan nomer yg amat sangat tidak penting. So proud of myself. PROUD!

Inget bgt, Chess pernah bilang gini "susah bukan berarti ga bisa kan?"
Dan... Omongan itu terbukti bgt! Frankly, it's more than hard to delete all of that 'unimportant' texts and that damn number. But, I can do it! Riany bisa! Riany mampu!

Muchas gracias, Chess. Aku kagum loh sama karakter kamu, kepribadian kamu hahahaha mungkin Allah yg ngirim kamu buat nyemangatin aku ya. Makasih ngeud :))


If I were a river, maybe I have found my ocean.
Tadi malem juga baru nyadar kalo ternyata ada satu orang yg selalu ada buat aku. Whenever. Di saat aku butuh, bahkan di saat aku ga butuh sekalipun dia ada. Walau kita ga satu sekolah lagi, aku ga pernah takut buat kehilangan dia.
Bahasanya Ri... Sinetron bgt.


Ibarat sungai, kemanapun dia belok, mau lewatin gunung dan lembah sebanyak apapun, pasti ujungnya ke laut kan? Laut itu kadang tenang, kadang ombak gede, kadang pasang, kadang surut. So does my ocean. Tapi da tetep, sungai butuh laut untuk bermuara.

So glad that I have found mine. Thanks, Ocean.


"kamu cemburu ya?"


Pernah tiba-tiba ditanya gitu sma cowo yg kamu... Care? Ditanya langsung. Pernah? Baru bgt ngalamin gitu and I'm like... Pause. Cengo. Salting pisan.


What a teenage life.



P.S: He's soooooooo out of my life <3

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

From my previous post, I'm pretty sure that you already know how much I love Maroon 5.
Well, Maroon 5 is an American Pop-Rock Band from Los Angeles, California. Haven't heard any Maroon 5's song? How could you...

I started to love Maroon 5 when I was a 10th grader.
One Night, I was listening to 99ers Radio Bandung and Maroon 5's song titled Better That We Break were airing that time. I suddenly fell in love with that song. Because of curiousity, I downloaded some of Maroon 5's song and... Maybe you've know what happened next. Yes!!!!!! I'm officially in love with 'em! I love how their song sounds and I love the way Adam sing. Just.. Wow!
Adam is their lead vocalist, Adam Noah Levine. He is a Jew :-( but I still love him! He is so.. He is so.. He is.. I just can't find the perfect word to describe him. HOT! That! He is so damn sexy, not just his look but also his voice. He has a lot of tatto all over his body and I like his tiger so much. Rawr. From his tweets, @adamlevine, I saw that he has good sense of humor. Who doesn't love a guy with good sense of humor??!?!?! Adam Levine is just too beautiful to be true.
I ain't a good fans actually because I still don't have one of their album. So sad. Doesn't mean I don't want to buy one of their but I think I still have a lot of priority to be filled and I shouldn't be wasteful.

I looove Hands All Over album because they sound more mature. Just love it! So love it! You guys really have to listen all of the songs inside of it, you'll love it too, absolutely.

What I like from Maroon 5 is they are different. Different? Which side? All. Their lyrics, their song, their style, their vocalist voice, etc. But different in a good way, of course.

Speechless. I'm so in love with Maroon 5 till idk what I have to say. Just open my heart and you'll know how muuuch I love Maroon 5.


M5 sin.

P.S: Kaka Aep is gone from school starting next week. Farewell :-) show must go on, huh? Be a train, ka! Train never stops whatever the weather is.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


It's my 16th birthday.
Kang Pratama Adi Nugraha, thanks for the Angry Bird doll. It's so cute! Just like me.
Nadhira Anjaina, Anisa Fitria Dewi, Rahmawati Nurfatihah, Lauhatul Jannah, Fadhillah Eka Wardhana, Yuni Ayu Amida and etc, thanks for the birthday cake. I love you! Really really love you!!!!!!
And thanks for the birthday wishes from all of you. May Allah bless you all muaaahs!

P.S: German tomorrow. Dear German PPL, I never understand what you're talking about. Sincerely, Poor Me.
P.P.S: Dear God of Math, I HATE TRIGONOMETRI. Sincerely, Stupid Me.


Selasa, 20 September 2011

Birthday Wishes Post

Yello! It's September 20, 2011. Have you read my post titled "Zombie Disease Is In The House"? Remember my friend named Steven? Today is his birthdaaayy!!!! Happy birthday, Steven Theodorus. Wish you be blessed, have a great one, wish you success, wish you get what you want, wish you get fatter, wish you everything best. Don't be a sekilers anymore ya, keep up your good deeds and keep cengos, mate!!!! \m/ <:-)

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

Maroon 5 - Runaway

What am I supposed to do with this time?
If there's so many holes, I stay afloat
But I feel out of control
So petrified, I'm petrified

What am I supposed to do to get by?
Did I lose everything I need to survive?
'Cause at 4am, when the sweat sets in
Did you get my message? Did it send?
Or did you just get on with your life?

Oh, I'm taking time to think and
I don't think it's fair for us to
Turn around and say goodbye
I have this feeling when I
Finally find the words to say
But I can't tell you if you turn around
And run away, run away

What am I supposed to do with these clothes?
It's my twisted way of keeping you close
I'm a nervous wreck, I'm a broken man
Did you get my message? Did it send?
Or do you get along on your own?


And it breaks me down when I see your face
You look so different but you feel the same
And I do not understand
I cannot comprehend
The chills your body sends
Why did it have to end?

[Chorus x2]

Runaway, runaway
Turn around and
Runaway, runaway

Runaway, runaway
But I can't tell you if you
Runaway, runaway
Turn around and runaway

Maroon 5

Maroon 5 Bio by Mickey Madden

Adam and Jesse and I started playing music together in junior high, under the sway of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and their ilk. We generally played in Jesse’s garage in Malibu or David Richman’s basement in Brentwood. A few players came and went, most notably Adam Salzman, Amy Wood, and Jesse Nicita, until finally we scored Ryan Dusick as our drummer in 1994 and the unfortunately-monikered Kara’s Flowers was born. We considered Ryan’s membership quite a coup, as he was older by a couple years and one of the best musicians at our school. Ryan had also been writing music, and his collaborations with Adam made up the core of our material at the time, which is best described as “heavy” and “brooding”. The lyrics could be characterized as “nonsense”. After a year or so of this, our tastes were changing, as they so often do at that tender age, and we entered a phase of massive, obsessive Beatlemania that culminated in some ill-advised matching suits and big, bright pop songs with loud guitars. These are the songs that got us signed to Warner Brothers and to a fancy Hollywood management company. We made a record, hemorrhaged money, went on a couple really weird tours, and sold about a thousand records. The following couple years were spent regrouping, reshuffling, writing songs in the vein of “classic rock” and folk, and coming dangerously close to throwing in the towel. Adam and Jesse went on their Long Island adventure, driving cross-country at a breakneck pace and spending a semester at Five Towns College, purportedly studying music but mostly coming up with colorful nicknames for their classmates and listening to soul, gospel, R & B, and hip-hop. So, in fine Kara’s Flowers fashion, we abandoned the songs that we’d been playing for the prior year and started fresh upon Adam and Jesse’s return. Around this time the songs that ended up on Songs About Jane began to be written, and over the following year or so we’d written about half the record and recorded the demos that eventually got us signed yet again, this time to a plucky young upstart label called Octone, which was attached to the plucky young upstart behemoth J Records, which was in turn attached to the not-so-young, leviathan, venerated BMG. James had moved from Nebraska to LA around the time that we recorded those demos, and we met him and his bandmates in Square through mutual friends. So when we needed a guitar tech for those sessions, we called in James for his expertise in string-changing and guitar-tuning. When we needed another guitarist, as Jesse was making the transition from six strings to eighty-eight, we called in James for his expertise at actually playing the guitar. With the addition of a new member and a fresh spate of songwriting, we changed our name to Maroon 5 to solidify the feeling that we were beginning anew. As to the origin of the name, it’s a secret, and aside from the five of us only Billy Joel knows its provenance (true story). We then wrote Songs About Jane, recorded it in LA with Matt Wallace producing and Mike Landolt engineering, ate a lot of fast food and a lot of prescription speed, finished the record, totally thought we’d missed the mark, put it out, played a release party at Tower Records Sunset (R.I.P.) on January 25, 2002, went on tour, had a blast, played Starkville, MI a few times, reconfigured the seating in vans to accommodate us more comfortably, traveled in one very inhospitable RV that smelt of piss, looked in awe upon our first bus, met the Boss and Jay-Z within five minutes of each other, went platinum on our tenth anniversary as a band, kept touring, won a Grammy (!), made a lot of friends along the way, wrote a new song here and there, won another Grammy (wtf), opened for the Stones, saw a lot of the western world and a bit of the eastern, and toured some more. Sadly, the accumulated physical strain the travel and the shows really did a number on Ryan, and he hurt his arm so badly that he had to stop performing. For some time, we imagined this to be temporary, but the months came and and went and no reasonable diagnosis was made as to his ailment. Matt Flynn came in at the last minute and saved our asses in a time of need, having, over the course of a couple nights, learned the drum parts on our record inside and out. He ended up touring with us until we finally hung up our “on-the-road” boots and put on the recording ones. After a year and a half playing with Matt, and with Ryan’s condition still hindering him, we faced the most brutal decision we had yet to encounter. So we moved into a new phase with Matt officially in the band, and thankfully he, by being a monstrously great player and a generally great guy, made the transition much easier for us than it could have been. After taking about a month off following our last few shows, we moved into the Houdini mansion in Laurel Canyon to write our next record. James and Jesse actually lived in the house, as the rest of us came and went daily, recording jams, building songs, and releasing the pent-up creativity that had amassed over years of playing the same batch of songs nightly. Jason Lader, an old friend who had engineered the demos of This Love and Harder to Breathe, was our comrade and co-producer on these sessions. That house has a few claims to fame, most notably that it is “haunted”, that it was home to the sessions for Blood Sugar Sex Magik, and that the board in the control room is the hallowed Hit Factory board on which Songs in the Key of Life, Born in the USA, Double Fantasy, and Emotional Rescue were recorded (along with countless other classics). The bulk of what would become our second record was written and demoed over the few months that we worked in Laurel Canyon. We began to cast about for producers, and after consideration we assembled the team of Mike Elizondo and “Spike” Stent, two totally brilliant guys who happen to be a pleasure to work with too. (By the way, if you look closely at the string section during the G’n’R performance of “November Rain” at the ‘92 VMA’s, you’ll see a 19 year old Elizondo playing double bass.) We spent a couple months at Conway Studios, a sentimental favorite of ours (and home to those sessions that got us signed to Octone), where we recorded the bulk of the record. After a short break, we regrouped in Burbank and finished phase one of the recording. For a few months, we sat with what we had recorded thus far, listening ad nauseum and eventually realizing that there were a few musical loose ends to be tied up. so we went in for two additional sessions, with Eric Valentine and Mark Endert, respectively, for fresh perspectives and fresh ears. Those sessions yielded “Can’t Stop”, “Makes Me Wonder”, “A Little of Your Time”, and “Back at Your Door”, along with some other odds and ends applied to previously recorded songs. The whole of the three distinct sessions became It Won’t Be Soon Before Long, and even before the release of the record (in May 2007), our touring life had kicked back into gear all over again. We spent almost two years on the road in support of the album. In 2008, we visited every continent on the globe barring Antarctica; we played in dozens of cities that hadn’t been on the SAJ tour itinerary, such as Capetown, Manila, Seoul, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Bordeaux, and Moscow (to list a mere handful of favorites). Following that particularly mind-bending year of travel, we regrouped in Los Feliz, east of Hollywood, to spend some much needed time at home writing and attempting some semblance of domesticity and normality. Just as some new songs were starting to take shape, it came to our attention that Mutt Lange had expressed some interest in meeting us and discussing a possible collaboration. After the initial round of pinching ourselves out of sheer disbelief and googling Mr. Lange’s name to marvel at his unparalleled track record of musical success extending far beyond the boundaries of genre and era, we were lucky enough to sit down with the man himself in an informal meeting. Having heard the myriad stories of Mutt’s obsessive attention to detail and exacting perfectionism, and knowing just how fiercely he has protected his privacy over the years in order to maintain an essentially non-existent public image, we were unsure of what (or who) to expect from our meeting and more than a little intrigued. What none of us had anticipated was the extraordinarily warm, affable, low-key guy who arrived, professing an admiration for the band and a very humble desire for genuine collaboration to best realize the songs in recorded form. His kind demeanor only made it easier for us to arrive at the conclusion (essentially a foregone one, from the moment Mutt had expressed interest in producing our music) that he was the man for the job. We decamped to Switzerland and to Mutt’s studio there, where we spent the better part of July, August and September recording the music that has become Hands All Over. Leaving our hometown to record was one of the better decisions the band has made; we found ourselves working seven day weeks, often up to 12 hours a day, isolated as we were from the outside world. The sheer beauty and pace of our Swiss environs made it easy to clear our heads if we hit a creative wall; in many ways, it is an ideal creative environment (Bowie, Nabokov, Freddie Mercury, Chaplin, and countless other luminaries all spent considerable time in that part of the world, and after spending the summer working there I easily see why). After so much sort of “short-term” traveling, during which we rarely experience a foreign city for more than a day or two at a time, to live in that tiny Swiss town for three months was a genuine privilege. It was also a privilege to work with Mutt and begin to understand why he has been so exceptional; while most producers have one area of expertise or a few areas of focus, Mutt excels as a musician, a singer, an arranger and a writer, yet he devotes as much time to sonic, technical, and engineering concerns as he does to purely musical ones (alongside the indispensable engineer and ProTools operator Olle Romo, the world’s most patient and focused man, as well as being a great musician in his own right). I can speak for the band, as we find ourselves on the verge of releasing this closely-guarded music to the world, in saying that we are more proud of this record that any other, and as we start to dig into these songs at rehearsals, in anticipation of presenting them live, the excitement grows daily. See you out there.

- Mickey


Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Kamis tgl 7-7-11, aku dan para pencari kebenaran yg beranggotakan bangski, karipun, teh ciken, yuni dan egi mau makan-makan di WS. Sebelum berangkat, kita nungguin adik abang yg namanya upi yg ganteng bgt itu #eaaaa (inget umur ri), upi lagi latihan kabaret. Pas lagi nunggu, abang nyeritain cerita Indomie. Bodor ceuk aku mah.

"Dulu aku suka beli indomie berbagai macam rasa di warung bersama ayahku, tapi semuanya berubah sejak ayahku diolok2 oleh tukang warung, katanya 'laki kok rasa-rasa'. Sejak saat itu, setiap makan indomie, bumbunya selalu kami buang. Sekarang, makan indomie terasa hambar. Itu ceritaku, bgaimna ceritamu?"

Krispi? =))

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger

[Verse 1]
Just shoot for the stars
If it feels right
And in for my heart
If you feel like
Can take me away, and make it okay
I swear I'll behave

You wanted control
Sure we waited
I put on a show
Now I make it
You say I'm a kid
My ego is big
I don't give a sh*t
And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss me till you're drunk
And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger
I got the moves like jagger
I got the mooooooves... like jagger

I don't even try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

You with the moves like jagger
I got the moves like jagger
I got the mooooooves... like jagger

[Verse 2]
Baby it's hard
And it feel like you're broken and scarred
Nothing feels right
But when you're with me
I make you believe
That I've got the key

So get in the car
We can ride it
Wherever you want
Get inside it
And you want to stir
But I'm shifting gears
I'll take it from here
And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss til you're drunk
And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger
I got the moves like jagger
I got the mooooooves... like jagger

I don't even try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

You with the moves like jagger
I got the moves like jagger
I got the mooooooves... like jagger

You want to know how to make me smile
Take control, own me just for the night
But if I share my secret
You gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this

So watch and learn
I won't show you twice
Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right
But if I share my secret
You gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this

And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue
And I'll know you
Kiss til you're drunk
And I'll show you

You want the moves like jagger
I got the moves like jagger
I got the mooooooves... like jagger

I don't even try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you

You with the moves like jagger
I got the moves like jagger
I got the mooooooves... like jagger

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Letting Go.

Things are gettin' out of control
Feels like I'm runnin' out of soul
You are getting heavy to hold
Think I'll be letting you go
My self portrait shows a man
That the wealth tortured, self
absorbed with his own self
Forfeit a shelf full of awards
Worshipin' the warships to set sail
on my sea of life
Where I see my own self and
wonder if we still see alike
We was tight seein' lights, speakin'
right and breathin' life
Now I see my demons and barely
even sleep at night
I don't get high, life keep me at a
decent height
As the old me, I predicted all my
recent plights
Exhausted tryin' to fall asleep, losses
at my recent fights
Burdens on my shoulders now
burnin' all my motives down
Inspiration dryin' up, motivation
slowin' down
Things are gettin' out of control
Feels like I'm runnin' out of soul
You are getting heavy to hold
Think I'll be letting you go
Think I'll let you go
I'm beggin' you, don't let me go, we
vow like the letter O
To never go our separate ways or
spin off into separate shows
Tired of all the words you're
changin', playin' all these extra roles
Filled with all these different spirits
livin' off these separate souls
Point in life is gettin' hollow, can't
wait for the exit hole
Give me room to entry wound, let
me in or let me go
So I can roam around this
See it for what it really is, I'm
prepared and filterless
Magnify the euphony, alibi the
shootin' spree
Amplify the revolution, sanitize the
Strip away the justice, justify the
I can see the lasers shootin' out of
you and me
Things are gettin' out of control
Feels like I'm runnin' out of soul
You are getting heavy to hold
Think I'll be letting you go
Think I'll be letting you go
Sometimes I feel like the world
Sometimes I feel like the world is
against me
And everythin' that I've done before
I swear we used to be so pure
But we can't be in love no more
'Cause I don't wanna fight this war
But when I put down my gun
I turn around and pick up one
This Uzi weighs a ton
But I think I'm done
Things are gettin' out of control
Feels like I'm runnin' out of soul
You are getting heavy to hold
Think I'll be letting you go
Think I'll be letting you go
Things are gettin', gettin' out of
control, oh
Said it feels like, like I'm runnin' out
of soul
You're getting heavy to hold
Think I'll be letting you go
Letting you go


when you have to let go something good, when they have found their own happiness, when they don't need you anymore, when I cry because of my stupidity and the only friend of mine is Kazamidori..

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Zombie Disease Is In The House

Good morning guys! Do you know what time is it? Yes, it's 03.28 a.m. Fyi, I have to go to school at 06.30 a.m because I'll attend a seminar. Actually, I don't really want to go but it's a responsibility. Yes, I am a member of Student Organization. *ocassion*

I don't know why, every holiday night I always got this zombie disease. Feels like Insomnia but it isn't. I sleep in the noon. Yes, it's absolutely a zombie disease. Please! Is there anybody here who has the cure of zombie disease?! I really really need help. My friend, Steven, starts calling me zombie because of my habits lately. Ergh.. Kinda frustrating.

1. You can't sleep in the night
2. You never feel sleepy in the night
3. You always sleep when the sun is up. In other word, noon.
4. You're getting lazy for take a bath. Wait.. I think that's just for me. That's my habit every holiday HaHaHa =))

It's kinda annoying when you realized that everybody is sleeping, dreaming about their crush and etc but you're not! You can't! You keep try and try to close your eyes but seems like they just don't want to.

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Just a humble note: Keeping me stronger :-)

Just a humble note: Keeping me stronger :-): "Pernah ngerasa kalo life's unfair? Absolutely yes!! Sirik ngeliat orang yang hidupnya 'terlihat' bahagia terus, semua keinginannya terpenuhi..."

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Teori Konspirasi Project-7♥♥♥

Sesuai janji, aku bakal nerangin tentang 4 elemen. Here we gooooo!

by: Rivan Ardyanto Sutoyo

Inspirasi ini tercipta saat
aku membuka facebook,
tapi sebenarnya tercipta
ketika aku beradi di motor
di bawah terik matahari di
tengah kemacetan sampai
tetes keringat membasahi
rona pipiku. Teringat 4
anak kecil yang terlalu baik
untuk saya.

Semua orang ga ada yang
sama, satu sama lain,
mereka punya pikiran,
imajinasi, hobi, sifat,
karakter dan tingkah laku
yg berbeda-beda pula. Saya
punya rumus
4 anak kecil + 4 elemen alam + LISTRIK vs hati yg
equivalen dengan

EARTH --> menurut saya
AIR --> menurut saya Riany
FIRE --> menurut saya
WATER --> menurut saya

1) EARTH -> berbicara ttg
alam, khususnya mineral di
batuan dan tanah. Sifatnya
agak keras dan memerlukan air dalam proses hidupnya. Yuk kita
ibaratkan, tanah apabila
diberi air maka dia akan
hidup dan berbunga serta
berakar kuat. Tapi
sebaliknya, apabila tidak diberi air (dikecewakan),
maka dia akan gersang dan
tidak bertumbuh. Sama kayak si dhira ini. Dia perlu
support orang, sedikit
perasa dan cinta
kedamaian, bisa
suasana, orangnya cukup
terbuka. Tapi, tipikalnya
sulit ditebak (akar kan bisa
kemana2). GAWAT!
Tipenya agak pedas di
omongan dan sikap (batu).
Style-nya naturalis habis lah
dan setia serta apa adanya.
Karakter: Toph (avatar)

2) AIR -> menurut si gue
mah Riany, hehe.. Air itu udara. Udara itu bebas, ada
dimana aja, ga terbatas
dimensi ruang dan waktu.
Riany itu orangnya fresh-
minded alias open minded di
setiap kondisi apapun. Dia
bisa mencari udara2 lain
ketika dia letih dan tak bisa
melangkah. Tipe orang yg
terbuka bgt, sedikit perasa,
namun berbelit-belit -_- sulit
fokus dan kurang
konsentrasi, tak jarang
membuat udara kehilangan
lajunya. Karena pikirannya
agak berbelit-belit
seringkali membentuk
badai/tornado/cyclone dan
merusak segalanya. Kacau pelajaran, kacau pikiran,
ucrat acret deh. Tapi, dgn
semangat dan auranya dia bisa menghidupkan
suasana sekalipun dia
hanya tersenyum tanpa
satu kata (Aang!)

3) FIRE -> wow api! Panas..
Ya itulah muthi yg kami kenal. Api adalah lambang suatu keabadian yg belum teridentifikasi hingga saat ini. Muthi itu orangnya
cepat nasteung, emosian,
dan kadang terlalu
memakai perasaan
sehingga radiasi apinya itu
tersebar cepat ke sekitar
lingkungannya. Namun di
balik itu semua terdapat
energi besar yg dapat
disimpan olehnya. Dia itu
seorang tempat curhat yg
baik dan aman. AIR + API =
UAP UDARA, UAP UDARA + AIR = HUJAN -> tanah dapat
kesegaran. Api itu vital
keberadaannya. Tipe
seorang pemikir dan sedikit
perfeksionis membuatnya
menjadi seorang tak
berekspresif dan agak
kaku. Punya 2 karakter
unik deh. Style-nya
cenderung kaku (zuko!)

4) WATER -> ini dia yg
terakhir. Yuni amidong
menurut saya. Dia ini tipe yg
adem ayem aja, seperti air
mengalir. Ya... Begitulah
kehidupannya. Jika
berbicara ttg air, air itu
berbicara ttg
keseimbangan di alam.
Tipikal orang yg cenderung
melihat masa lalu untuk
sebuah masa depan, agak
tersendat-sendat, tapi
kapilaritas air membentuk
yuni dan memampukan dia
mencari jawaban sendiri
atas setiap persoalannya.
Dialah inner beauty-nya
suasana persahabatan. Mau
masalah apapun jika dilihat
dari jauh, air tetaplah air yg
dingin, namun jika disentuh
ada yg dingin, hangat,
panas. Seorang pendengar
yg baik. Tipikal: orangnya
suka beruntung dan alay

Rivan mah listrik sih. Listrik
itu tercipta karena ada
gaya tarik-menarik antara
udara di langit + tanah di
bumi karena adanya air,
sehingga ketika listrik
hingga menyentuh tanah
maka keluarlah api.

Volt -> Rivan

Dari kacamata aku, itulah
(maaf kalo ada yg ga

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


Eh aku teh janji mau ngejelasin 4 elemen ya? Lupa euy haha next post janji deh! :D

Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

What is the Real Meaning of Mom?

Mom. Mommy. Mother. Ibu. Mama. Bunda. Umi. Emak. Dan masih banyak lagi. Mama itu ya mama. Perempuan cerewet yg udah cape2 mengandung kita pas dari masih segede beras sampe akhirnya seberat barbel 2-4kg selama 9 bulan.

Gimana sih sifat mama kamu? Cerewet? Nyebelin? Apalagi kalo udah ngelarang kamu ini itu, nyebelin banget kan? Dan disaat itu kalian pasti mikir "coba aja kalo gue punya mama yg ngebolehin gue ini itu pasti asik" iya kan? Tanpa disadari, kalian pasti pernah mikir kaya gitu.

Tau engga sih, untuk menjadi seorang anak, kadang kita butuh loh cerewet dari seorang mama. Jujur, itu yg aku rasain. Bukan karena mama aku teramat sangat baik karena selalu ngebolehin ini itu, tapi karena mama aku udah ga bisa cerewet2 lagi sama aku. Dia udah dapet tempat yg much better dari dunia ini. Ya, surga. Buat seorang anak yg hampir 7 tahun hidup tanpa mama, aku kangen dicerewetin mama. Kangen banget. Waktu mama masih sama aku, beliau ya seperti mama2 lain. Cerewet, bawel, galak, suka melotot, suka ngejewer, suka ngebentak. Jujur, saat itu aku gasuka digituin. Amat sangat gasuka. Tapi setelah mama udah ga sama aku, something missing in me. Ya, perasaan gasuka saat dicerewetin mama.

Nyadar ga sih keberadaan mama itu sangat penting? Dari kita bayi, yg ngasih kita susu siapa? Mama. Waktu kita TK, yg suka nguncirin rambut dan ngiketin tali sepatu kamu siapa? Mama. Waktu kamu baru masuk SD, yg nganter2 kamu ke sekolah siapa? Mama. Yang selalu bikinin kamu bekel siapa? Mama. Yg suka bikinin kamu susu sebelum tidur siapa? Mama. Jawabannya mama. Selalu mama. Pernah ga saat mama sakit dan akhirnya kamu ga dibawain bekel dan kamu kelaparan? Sebagian besar mungkin pernah. Ada ga diantara kalian yg suka curhat sama mama tentang pacar atau kecengan? Gimana rasanya? Aku gatau. Aku ga pernah dapet kesempatan berharga itu. Nyaman kah?

Mama itu ibarat air pas kita lagi haus, ibarat lilin pas PLN ngadain pemadaman bergilir, ibarat obat saat kita sakit, ibarat selimut/jaket pas kita kedinginan, ibarat helm pas kita naik motor, ibarat sesuatu yg nyata disaat yg bisa kia liat cuma fatamorgana, ibarat... Udah deh kebanyakan. Saat mama kita masih ada, kita ga akan menyadari itu. Baru saat mama udah ga di samping kita, baru deh kita mikir "oh iya ya mama tuh bener loh" atau "coba aja kalau ada mama...".

Aku suka marah kalo ada anak yg menyia2kan mamanya, mencaci-maki mamanya. Mereka gatau apa ya mama itu anugerah. Anugerah terindah yg harus dijaga dan diperlakukan dengan baik. Aku iri sama kalian semua yg mamanya masih suka cerewetin kalian. Aku iri sama kalian yg suka curhat tentang kecengan sama mamanya. Aku iri sama kalian yg suka dibawain bekel sama mamanya. Aku iri sama kalian yg pas kelulusan, mamanya tuh nyaksiin. Aku iri. Iri banget. Kalau aja waktu bisa diputar, aku ingin gunain waktu yg Allah kasih buat aku dan mama sebaik2nya. Tapi semuanya udah mustahil. Kalian yg mamanya masih ada, jagain mamanya ya. Kita ga pernah tau berapa banyak lagi waktu yg tersisa buat kita ngebahagiain mama. Jadi selama waktu itu masih ada, manfaatin sebaik2nya.

Terima kasih ya Allah engkau sudah memberiku waktu bersama mamaku walau hanya sedikit. Berilah dia tempat yg paling layak di sisimu ya Allah. Jagalah dia sebaik2nya. Dan tolong bilangin sama mama, aku sayang mama, aku kangen mama. Baik2 ya mama disana :)